The Purpose

We all know special people or experience important events in our lives that we consider worthy of more than a casual acknowledgment. A gift to the Redgranite Public Library is an opportunity to recognize an individual, event or accomplishment. What better way to commemorate a special person or occasion than with a gift to your library! This gift will bring pleasure to library patrons for generations.

The Occasion

Most memorial gifts are given to commemorate the death of a relative or friend. If the individual enjoyed reading, a gift to the library is a great way to honor his/her interest. Endowments may also be given to celebrate other monumental occasions, including weddings, anniversaries and retirements. Unless a particular use is specified, the library will make a suitable purchase for the sum donated. Acknowledgment will be made to the donor and the family of the person being honored. A bookplate with an inscription will also be placed in the item.

How to Make Your Gift

If you would like to provide a gift, there are several ways to do so–including visiting the library, contacting the director by phone (920-566-0176), emailing the director at:, or by writing to: Director, Redgranite Library, P.O. Box 291, Redgranite, WI 54970. Checks should be made payable to the Redgranite Library.

Information to Include

  • Name of Individual to be Honored:
  • Name(s) and Address(es) of Family to be Notified:
  • Presented by:
  • Address:
  • Phone:
  • Amount:

Thank you for your interest in making a gift to the library!